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[metriod dread] (tagging it for folks who want to go 100% blind)
And not only its recognition, we're being spoiled with upcoming juicy lore, familiar faces/gears, and having face-to-face with another deadly robot (or armoured space bird)👌
Modeling Zero Suit Samus (again) and I'm reminded that Metriod Prime 1/Hunters to Prime 2/3 Zamus is such a weird design/style...change?
From realistically styled human that fits in the established setting to idk not-real-but-not-anime Zamus
Can I just say how much I'm enjoying A Hat in Time so far? This is an incredibly diverse and carefully crafted 3D platformer that isn't afraid to experiment and play with its melting pot of ideas.
I've seen open world, horror, mystery and even a bit of Metriodvania! 😆
오늘의 그림!
돌아보니 이제까지 제대로 해본 메트로이드 시리즈가 없었네요... nds로 샀던 DS판 메트로이드는 1인칭 슈팅게임이라 메트로바니아랑은 좀 달랐던것 같고 그렇기에 이번에 발표된 신작 메트로이드는 한번 해볼까 하는 생각중입니다! #MetriodDread
nintendo its been 84 years give us post-fusion content you cowards #metroid #metriodfusion #samusaran
me every day since 2019:
*patiently waits for more metriod and bayonetta news*
Super Metriod: 2.0 You Can (Not) Complete
LIVE at https://t.co/r3Z6qTXxA8
"A New Mission Awaits You Samus"
Acrylic on sanded canvas
#Metriod #SamusAran
Bout to made in heaven this universe
Cause Fuck the Metriod Universe https://t.co/dH2VpH8THI
https://t.co/JiLvfBc3ab Streaming a new game that comes out on october 10 called #ValfarisGame on #twitch for #Halloween . Time for some BRUTAL AND METAL METRIOD!
Metriod Fusion is one of the few games in the series to really adopt a horror motif. truthfully, i wish they leaned more into the horror elements cos its impressive how they managed to pull off horror on a GBA game