Salt Some like is salty, like this red extremophil Salinibacter ruber. Found not so long ago in Spain, they prefer around 20% salt.

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15: SALT.
Most folks can't take it here, but I've grown to love it. Sure it's super salty, but I still think it's pretty sweet.

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14. Community

When I think about community, similarly to , I do not only think about microbes.

I am so grateful to all the amazing persons I met via science, from my labmates to all the friends from the scicomm and sciart communities that I met online.

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14 Community: understanding microbial communities through sequencing, effort is focused on bacteria and their functions. Viruses (inc phages), fungi, etc are overlooked, but are vitally important in shaping communities and functions

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The endless possibilities, shapes, colours and sugars dazzled Foosi. Finally a place to call home! Foosi's excitement was quickly tinged with fear - what if I don't fit in?

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13: DNA.
DNA? I'm full of it baby! Come by my lysate any time, and I'll show you...

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Ah. Um. Ahem. Excuse me. Sorry. I think - Umm - I actually prefer the term symbiont...

4 11

Growth “Hei Sister, we are all mothers of mothers of mothers…”

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11: GROW.
HHNNNNNNNNN! I'm not flexing.
I just - HHNNNNNNNNNN - want to be - HHNNNNNNNNNN - a little bit - HNNNNNNNNNN - bigger than you.

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Time Circadian rhythm in bacteria… yes! Sun and moon, a molecular clock makes a 24 h day in a Cyanobacteria.

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Catching up for Transform and Sleep! Every mol biologist knows the pain of cloning.

MTb is an interesting bug in that it can remain latent in a lung and activate again later!

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Stuck in a rut... Starting to feel a bit loopy... Send help.

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Even though these days the world felt like it had gone to shit, Vaylo knew deep down that better days would come. They yawned and rolled over for a nap...

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Forever traumatised by that electroporation gone wrong ⚡️

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That ZAP was always the worst. Bro, my insides felt like they were coming out! The only thing that got me through it was that sweet, sweet SOC.

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I lost count how many bacteria I transformed… and failed to transform. Every time it succeeded it felt that I created my little superhero. A glowing one, one that doesn’t give a damn to be bathed in antibiotic, one that makes a funny smell…

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6. Sticky

As it is spooky season, here is a pumpkin being 'swallowed' by a very sticky biofilm.

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I also wanted to be part of ! This is what comes to my mind when I think about "sticky" (word of the day):

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At that very moment Gordon realised its flagella were holding him back. Literally.

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