This video deserve millions of likes and retweets! I adore Riku and Towa so much aside from SessRin and Midomaru 😭❤️... You're very talented and you make all RiTowa fans very happy...

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- Riku is Kirinmaru and Midoriko's half-demon son and he has a younger sister 🤣

(This kid is my OC and her name is Byeol. It means "star" ⭐️😁❤️)

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Hi visitors! If you love to read fanfiction about Midoriko and Kirinmaru, please visit my AO3. I would really appreciate if you will leave a kudos too, thank you 😊

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If MidoMaru doesn't exist, I will ship Kirinmaru and Tamano ~♥️

They are my original ship before Midoriko. At first, I thought Riku will visit his human mom. Sorry hahaha! 😂

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Riku is a MidoMaru Baby 😭❤️❤️
I think I'm going to have a heart attack waiting for Season 2. 😂😭❤️❤️

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Because of Setsuna and the existence of Shikon Jewel in episode 21, I made this MidoMaru fanart again together with "teenage" Riku.

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I know this is too much.. but I'm so in love with MidoMaru since 19th of Jan 2021. I'm still nervous for this crack couple haha 🤣

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The art of fiction is freedom of will for your characters.
- Cynthia Ozick

New ship unlocked - (Kirinmaru and Midoriko)

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[키린자연] 그대가 가졌던 색들에 대한 그리움.

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Making fan arts with no limits. It doesn't matter if this ship is canon or not. I'm not worried about how should I draw it. I just draw the way I see it...☺️

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すきです( ´ ཫ ` )

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