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They also played at catch together.
Look at how they run.
Miffy’s chasing Melanie.
They’re having so much fun.
And after that it’s playtime.
They play out on the grass.
They also do a little dance
to help the time to pass.
And now it’s time to learn a song,
so every child stands.
Miss keeps their voices all in time,
conducting with her hands.
It’s early in the morning.
Off to school the children go.
Miffy’s in the red dress.
She’s the one we know.
Mummy and Daddy Bunny
have some special news to tell.
And one spring day they think it’s time
that Miffy knows as well.
One day father Bunny said,
who wants to come with me?
I’m going where the sandy dunes
roll down to meet the sea.
Miffy is reading 'miffy at the seaside' today at 1pm for #Miffysbookclub - come along and read with her!
That night when Mummy Bun took Bear
and Miffy up to bed
-today was really wonderful,
thank you, Miffy said.
And in the evening Grandpa Bun
and Grandma came to tea
and they had brought a parcel too.
Whatever could it be?
They took a ball out on the lawn
and didn’t they have fun?
They played at lots and lots of games
until the day was done.
That afternoon her bunny friends,
Ag and Win, came by.
When they cried, Happy Birthday!
Miffy almost felt quite shy.
Happy Birthday, Miffy!
sang her mum and dad.
It’s going to be lovely.
Miffy felt so glad.
If you enjoyed reading 'miffy's garden' today, you can buy your own copy of the book here: https://t.co/Ru2nIxVDpO
#Miffysbookclub #bookclub
Packed in Miffy’s basket
her carrots look so neat,
all fresh and crisp and orange
and wonderful to eat.
#MiffysBookClub #bookclub
When Miffy’s bag is empty
and all the seeds are set,
she goes and fills her watering can
and makes them nice and wet.
#MiffysBookClub #bookclub
At 3pm, Miffy's going to be reading 'miffy's garden' - come and join her! #MiffysBookClub #bookclub
It’s early in the morning.
Off to school the children go.
Miffy’s in the red dress.
She’s the one we know.
So off they went together
to view the gallery.
Miffy was excited -
I wonder what we’ll see.
Mrs Bunny cleaned the house
and kept it snug and neat
and then she’d do her shopping
from the shops along the street.
Miffy is reading 'miffy's bicycle' at 1pm today for #Miffysbookclub - come and read with her!