New art for subscriber only have been uploaded!
- beastars merry cristmas! -
featured: legoshi jack miguno durham voss kolo
check my bio for get fanbox link! thanks for your appreciation ;) love_rin

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Beastars Room 701 special sweet momment.
Legoshi with jack, Durham with Miguno, and Kolo with voss. that was so adorable!, look at my fanbox at my profile to look full version of this art. thanks for subscribe my fanbox ;) i am really appreciate ;) link in bio ♡

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jack and miguno.
jack fall and miguno help him~
beastars fanart edition!
^daily doodle sketch

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Durham and Miguno - Hug
beastars fanart ED
Daily sketch Doodle art
Do you agree if i coloring this one!?
thanks for your support ;)

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FROM RUSSIA: You might not recognize his name but you probably know Yevgeniy Migunov's work: after his colleague, illustrator Victor Chizhikov sketched the fluffy bear Misha, Migunov was in charge of character design for the symbol of the 1980 Moscow Olympic Games.

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next, durham and miguno in one canvas
Doodle art beastarsfanart. color soon!
hey! who the best boii ?

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There's a little tiny bit of lore that Miguno has a garage band with some other scavengers called "The Leftovers" so I wanted to draw it. In my head, they're just furry lol

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hug time! Durham & Miguno - Beastars ^.^
sweet couple they are ~ right?

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miguno beastars

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beastars Durham and miguno wear sport custom.

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well this is my beastars fanart style for 701 room member :) 2020 edition~ voss, jack, legoshi, durham, miguno, kolo, I LOVE YOU ALL!

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does anyone want to know what is design and color pallete for room 701 friend ? you can add it to your SAI color pallete... legoshi jack collo voss durham miguno. are include here. Goodluck and have fun! refers to

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special art for legoshi birthday. the special present from room 701 friend, jack miguno durham voss collo. Beastars fanart here! ^. hope legoshi and beastars be a good anime and manga also fanart or dojin i think LOL. huehe ^Love rin.

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i was reupload my art. i was add color stroke :) here beastars fanart. Legoshi jack miguno durham voss collo. but i may not confident at all ^ huehehe. ~ well i was refresh my FA today

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this is my old post, but i think i must make it horizontal. and i thing :) this one is more better XD. i just use paint bucket at paint to make black background, that the reason why there was white spot here XD beastars fanart. jack, legoshi, collo, durham, miguno, voss. here

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Jack (and the 701 Boys) - The Star

The guiding light who will always mark the way forward.

You can my work over at

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