Minun, sadly it doesn't get enough attention and is pretty overshadowed by the other electric rodents along with Plusle. https://t.co/D2F1YlhSG5

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Orihime and Hikoboshi
Once a year, we can finally meet together

If you like Plusle&Minun, please like!?




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What happens when you mix an experimental Pokeball, a third variant of Plusle and Minun, and an overly curious and accident-prone fox?
You get the fox accidentally catching and splitting herself into two Mulplits XD

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In memory of my beloved, ribbon collecting Minun, who unfortunately won't be able to join me in Pokemon Sword 😔

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In TS/BB/WC Raichu beats all the Waters (shocking!) and Water counters AhChu, Minun, Pachirisu, & Lickitung, as well as A-Rat, Furret, T-Tar, Aggron, Lairon, and Torkoal. With Charm instead, it loses the Water wins but gains Shelgon, Donphan, and Umbreon.

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It's Minun, but I can't find a GIF by itself:,(

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Clefairy mascot AU: Clefairy clones!
These two are based on Plusle and Minun, who represent opposite electrical charges, so it seemed fitting to make them opposing forces that come together in the world of storytelling: protagonist and antagonist.

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For Belladona, hypnotising people isn't always the hard part, sometimes it's getting them out of it. Commission for with his Minun, Javin

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Shiny-Plusle und -Minun, sowie die neuen Alola-Pokémon Kleinstein und Digda (und deren Entwicklungen) erscheinen nun in ersten Ländern in Im Laufe des Tages wird man sie auch hierzulande finden können. https://t.co/4C291IRPnd

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