miraschon y marilyn..

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Miraschon — Stone Ocean

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also miraschon lowkey reminds me of three drakengard I’m now realizing that

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miraschon esta HERMOSA tmb

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marilyn manson's a cool stand but miraschon? guuuurrrll, how that hair even do? did you accidentally get wig glue on the ends then never detangled or...???

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In the anime, Miraschon has a scar on her face from when Pucci slammed her head into a table!

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to celebrate stone ocean trailer did you know that leon's execution from danganronpa 1 is possibly based on miraschon's defeat from that same part? they're both pelted with a thousand baseballs (but miraschon somehow survives, unlike leon)

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Miu Miu / Gwess Guess / Miraschon 💛💙💜 Stone Ocean

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my thingy for the collab :3 I tried to do a doodle inspired by stuff like jammer lammy or lizzie mcguire? idk, but there it is

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"Jolyne hit me 1000 times with a baseball, it was awesome"

Stand User: Miraschon, FE26789
Stand Name: Marilyn Manson

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Kinda bummed with how these panels for my involvement in the stone ocean panel redraw turned out... but! I have more to do and I’ll be able to maybe redo these if I really feel like it! I’d probably just want to fix Miraschon’s face and maybe find my thin marker for the lines..

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and man, all those people scratching their heads over jotaro's hat hair are gonna mentally implode seeing miraschon's umpire mask hair

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inmediatamente cada vez que sus objetivos hacen trampa y considerarán hacer trampa una pérdida automática.
Pensar en golpear a Miraschon para detener a Marilyn Manson también cuenta como engaño. Por otro lado, el Usuario puede ser obligado a devolver lo que Marilyn Manson haya

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activa después de que Miraschon o incluso él mismo haga una apuesta con alguien.
Si la persona con la que Miraschon apuesta pierde, Marilyn Manson se materializa cerca de ellos y procede a tomar de ellos cualquier posesión de valor con el fin de pagar. El dinero vuela

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Marilyn Manson
✧ Usuario: Miraschon
✧ Parte: Stone Ocean
✧ Colector de Deudas: Después de que el usuario y una potencial víctima apuesten algo y la víctima pierda, Marilyn Manson viene a cobrar la apuesta o algo equivalente.
Como Osiris y Atum, Marilyn Manson se

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Thinking of beating up Miraschon in order to stop Marilyn Manson also counts as cheating. On the other hand, the User can still be coerced into returning whatever Marilyn Manson has collected, potentially saving a dying

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after Miraschon or even itself makes a bet with someone. If the person with whom Miraschon bets with loses, Marilyn Manson materializes near them and proceeds to take from them any possession of value in order to pay up.
Money directly flies into Marilyn Manson's hooks, but it

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Marilyn Manson
✧ User: Miraschon
✧ Part: Stone Ocean
✧ Debt Collection: After the User and a potential victim bet on something and the victim loses, Marilyn Manson comes to collect the wager or anything equivalent.
Like Osiris and Atum, Marilyn Manson activates

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