Christmas Eve can be a dazzling, special time, especially when your family’s favorite Christmas tree ornament has magic powers!

The Magic Christmas Ornament, with James Barbato via

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Christmas Eve can be a dazzling, special time, especially when your family’s favorite Christmas tree ornament has magic powers!

The Magic Christmas Ornament, with James Barbato via

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5 Fun Ways to Remember Lost Loved Ones Over the Holidays.

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Christmas Eve can be a dazzling, special time… especially when your family’s favorite Christmas tree ornament has magic powers!

The Magic Christmas Ornament, with James Barbato via

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When Is Life Stranger Than Fiction? Let’s Discuss...

I’ve always been queasy about moral quandaries of (documentaries or books or podcasts). They are pop culture entertainment that peddles the pain of others.

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Christmas Eve can be a dazzling, special time, especially when your family’s favorite Christmas tree ornament has magic powers!

The Magic Christmas Ornament, with James Barbato via

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Christmas Eve can be a dazzling, special time… especially when your family’s favorite Christmas tree ornament has magic powers!

The Magic Christmas Ornament, with James Barbato via

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My children still remember the Christmas story I told them when they were small.

The Douglas Coleman Show, an interview with special guest James Barbato, author of The | via

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Christmas Eve can be a dazzling, special time… especially when your family’s favorite Christmas tree ornament has magic powers!

The Magic Christmas Ornament, with author James Barbato via

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My children still remember the Christmas story I told them when they were small.

The Douglas Coleman Show, an interview with special guest James Barbato, author of The | via

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My children still remember the Christmas story I told them when they were small.

The Douglas Coleman Show, an interview with special guest James Barbato, author of The | via

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Christmas Eve can be a dazzling, special time… especially when your family’s favorite Christmas tree ornament has magic powers!

The Magic Christmas Ornament, with author James Barbato via

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OnThisDay 18Oct1863 Felix Nadar's second ascent in Le Géant that turns into a disaster worse than his first ascent on 4Oct1863. Learn more:

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Christmas Eve is a dazzling, special time… especially when your family’s favorite Christmas tree ornament has magic powers!

The Magic Christmas Ornament, with author James Barbato via

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Columbo Technique - for Writers.

What happened when I met up with a local "Columbo" & came up with an idea that might help other

(This post is meant to be -friendly - not just for writers!)

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What A Behind The Scenes Page Can Do For Your Blog (And How To Create Yours)
by Lyn Wildwood

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Adélaïde Labille-Guiard: Master of Miniatures, Pastels, and Oils - Adélaïde Labille-Guiard was the youngest of eight children. She was born in 1749 in Paris to a bourgeois haberdasher. As an adolescent ...

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Researching regency furniture and writing accurate settings.

AKA does Heather do too much research?

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I had parked my car at a scenic location to listen to the radio. The patrolling officer was using the Columbo Technique to make sure I wasn’t up to ‘no-good’.

“Are you waiting for someone?”

“No. Is there someone coming?”

“No,” said the officer....

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