I mean I don't know YOUR favorite Powerpuff Girls Character, but if you were to ask me...

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this was just going to be a very, VERY simple drawing. i ended up going far more overboard than i had ever planned.

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!! also splatoon is 7 years old but who cares. 🤪 Didn’t even break 1 morbillion i bet. 💀💀💀

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my favorite part of Morbius was when everyone started morbing and Morbius yelled ITS MORBIN TIME and then there was like a 30 minute dance scene. weird directing choice but it really worked!!

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This drawing goes out to all you true I’ve been invested in the great piece of cinema that is since day one and I’ve been meaning to take part in the recent I say this to everyone who hasn’t seen it, you owe it to yourself to

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