I was glad to find you again after the devastation on Tumblr. I hope people will come more and more

I will try with my Mordesh (because it would be cool to see her from you again) or my Elf

Спасибо ещё раз!

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I don't know if any other game/fandom motivated me to draw as much as did. Happy

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Few older pieces for on Wildstar day. This game really motivated me to draw *a lot*. Obviously, I loved the because they were VERY fun to color and design

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Thank you for being the space I created one of my all-time favorite OCs, my Sezar. Because of this dweeb and your world, I met some of the best people in my life right now. Happy Wildstar Day

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Commission for of their Aurin/Mordesh duo. :D Thanks so much.

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Robotic and cloned body parts would be a thing that existed, but they'd be difficult to get, expensive, and time consuming. ... And Mordesh couldn't get cloned parts, because that's actually in the lore. Too much risk of mutating the Contagion. Exanite stuff could give adv. (2/3)

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D&D Caroline is based on Wildstar Caroline, who had a fellow Mordesh wife that she lost to a Ravenous outbreak. Which is why she's such an excessive hedonist but avoids any romantic connections. Should a Caroline dream of a fellow moon elf, or a dwarf like her adoptive dad?

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Yes, i love to draw them more intimate.

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Most days I miss him more than I ever could miss Dremik. Mikey just does not translate out of Wildstar very well. He's just dead with the game as much as I try to make it otherwise.

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My part of a long overdue art trade with . Finally, more "must draw" characters off my list. <3 I love them.

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some mordesh boys from earlier this week :D

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this is my mordesh from 🧟🔥

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Some art, before I resume relative silence.

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Monday fun fact: As all Ghosts, Vetrov is a stalker. But nobody saw him using any of stalker's abilities. And nobody saw him using esper's glowy magical powers too. What is rumored is that he uses some of his weapons to focus mind on controlling others

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i don't have to stay on model with new characters if i'm not playing the game they're made for


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in any case have this rework of Mikey's legs and faceplates I did a few days ago. Probably won't keep the orc-like tusks. Who knows.

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