Fan art of always with a 30s rubberhose style!
Hope you like it 🐶🐺⚠️🧪

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Long time no see fam, I’m back with my 6th fanart for lovely MSC community 🔥

🔥 Shiba x Captain America 🔥

Do you see me? 🥰

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Hello, these are my 4 newest pieces of fanart! I'm on process to make the next one. I hope you all like it 🤘

Do you see me 😁

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Hello universe, this is the result of my 5th hand-drawn fanart by myself ✍️


Still trying to be “seen” 👀

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I've just finished my forth hand-drawn art with love to this community 🥰

🔥 Shiba x Uchiha Sasuke 🔥

Do you see me? 🥰

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Made in Adobe Photoshop with love to MSC community.
KAKASHI-BA, that what I call it 😆
I spent 3 days to find the idea, sketch, draw and finish.

Can you se me? 👀

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