Mephiles esta basado en Venom Myotismon confirmado

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Today's Digimon of the day is This undead digimon was originally a computer virus that destroyed the computer data it absorbed. It was resurrected using the dark arts and obtained mighty powers. It is cruel and cunning however it's power is cut in half during the day.

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Alguien pidió una evolución para Pipimon (?)
Os presento a FruitBatmon inspirado del murciélago de la fruta y la relación que tiene Yukio Oikawa con Myotismon

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I need this Malo alt art the moment BT8 drops like holy fk this gotta be the best alt art in digimon at the moment. Also was gonna be running a MaloMyotismon deck but now I gotta run it with full alt art playset.

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Secret shiny(?) VenomMyotismon?! But he is not a pokemon xD
Wait! Then it's like the old official art with purple leg stripes? :o I kinda want that version now lol

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Jeje, no se porque pero se me ocurrio Piedmon capturando a ella como llavero para llevarla con un digimon gotico como Myotismon, ahora bien si me imagino a algun digimon mas con forma animal podria ser weregarurumon

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Myotismon or Vandemon, based on a Clyde Caldwell paint

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Myotismon Mytosismon

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Tras conseguir a NeoMyotismon, un nuevo Ghostmon llegó al y se ha convertido en Cyberdramon (la versión de 2010, aunque en la App no aparezca como tal) 🐜

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MadameMyotismon, my female counterpart to Myotismon. This is her standard attire for when she haunts the halls of her lavish castle. She has a fight mode with much more practical <3

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¡Myotismon digievoluciona en... NeoMyotismon! Esta forma futura y mejorada de Myotismon debutó en como uno de los Death Generals, donde incluso lo vimos comerse a los protagonistas.
¿Sois Team Neo o Team Venom? 🦇

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I have a few. Beelzemon Piedmon and Myotismon from Digimon and Zeke from Shaman King. Also Solomon from Blood+ probably the most, but I only consider him a half antagonist.

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🎨🫂 Ladyvenommyotismon / Vempyremon

A day of relaxing comfort, casual bliss and enjoying some good company whilst eating some sweets. What better place than to lounge against this dragon's large, round and soft silvery belly all the meanwhile~
Lovely! ❤️

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Although a fusion of the two it lacks Piedmon and Myotismon's sense of self, and acts according to the intentions clenched by the "Grudgeful Hand".

Suggested by leave your suggestion below!

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VenomMyotismon Undead (obra de teatro de Digimon Adventure Tri)

Tuit del hilo original:

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wait, since when they made a MaloMyotismon card?!


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