Wun is a sheepish Clefable that doesn't normally have any size related things happen to her- so she gets excited when she does find micros.

...And so does the Gengar that lives in her shadow, Noc. While they are the same person, Noc tries not to spook her softer half.

72 353

This is a promotional tweet from my addisonoc. You can forward it so that more people can see the lovely Miss purple! lololol😋

1 12

Na dobranoc.
Z kolekcji ilustracji do bajek. W świecie dziecięcej wyobraźni wszystko jest możliwe.

2 46

1 - Art by a friend, Daenoc.
2 - Picrew Image
3 - Art by
4 - Art by me

0 6

Nakładam kolory w nowej grafice, rozmyślam, podjadam i muszę zrobić przerwę na kolejną herbatę. A dla Was na dobranoc...
Czarny czub Czesława, czule czochrał czupurną, czerwoną czapkę czkającej Czesi ;-)

9 109

Na dobranoc.
W lesie Wędrowców panuje noc i nie widać już ścieżek. Głęboki cień spowija uśpioną zieleń, a na polanach tańczą roje świetlików. Tu nie ma burz, tu nie ma róż, lecz widać dym z komina. To kroczą zaczarowane domy w sennym korowodzie. A dokąd? A tego nie wie nikt.

4 49

Shamefully created an fanoc. Hahaha! Her name is Catalina is a Spanish version of Catherine. She's a nekomata!

46 215

Na dobranoc...
Po upalnym dniu niech przyjdzie sen i ukoi każdego z Was. Cokolwiek roi się Wam w głowach ;-)
Format B2 czyli 50x70cm

1 20

He’s now a director at Studio Ponoc. He was assistant animation director on Mary and the Witch’s Flower (2017) and more recently, he was given the opportunity to direct “Invisible,” which was a part of the Modest Heroes (2018) short film compilation.

0 4

Just finished another commission for Doctor Noc. I got to draw and get some practice with backgrounds. :>

1 5

Just finished my latest commission for Doctor Noc. I really like how it turned out :>

1 9

On this day in 1941, U-boat U-99 was scuttled after being rammed by the British destroyer HMS Vanoc. The U-99 had been detected by the first use of primitive radar against U-boats by surface vessels. This marked the turn of the tide against "Germany's First Happy Time". - QM

1 10

Na dobranoc.
Miej serce i patrzaj w serce...
Mimo lęków, obaw, presji. Słuchaj siebie i swego umienia.
Kobieto, masz w sobie siłę, która podtrzymuje życie na Ziemi.

10 65

Here. Have a Snoc. You all deserve it. The lineart is attached in the post if you wanna have a go. https://t.co/Unh311FElp

2 2

Lesson learned. Don't draw at nearly 5k, 300dpi when your Chromebook doesn't have the capacity to hold such a large file format. 👀

Here's a Snoc.

5 24

Eyy, it's
Howdy, name's Katie, or Noc. I'm a digital illustrator who lives off of bright colors, dynamic poses, and silly faces
All my important links are in my page description! Like what you see? Consider dropping me a tip!
https://t.co/kntXJDgXvn ☕✨

15 34