Today is the day of cats! Kitty appreciation day! Nya nya nya!

🎨: 妙子

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Sorry for being so quiet, I've been working on bringing you more new content! Please look forward to it!

For now, please enjoy this super cute fanart of Kiririn!🎨: 大福

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I had a wonderful stream last night! I'm so sorry I forgot to turn off the sub only chat!! Thank you for the raid ! Here is a bread cat, please forgive me!

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It was a wonderful stream last night, thank you for all the bits & follows! Also a sweet raid from akiwitch . I'm so grateful for all your support. 💖

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Yesterday's stream was very productive! Thank you for joining my stream and a shout out to Thank you for the raid! I had a wonderful time and am always feel thankful to my fans and I hope to see you lovelies again soon!🥰

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Tonight's stream was great! Thank you guys for coming and the raid from really brighten up my day! 💖 Till next time my bebbe! 💖

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It's Caturday again! Sharing this super adorable fan art by 💖 I love fan arts of Kiririn! If you drew her remember to tag

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No, I'm not angy, I hope you are not angy at me for missing my stream last night. But it didn't stop me from finishing up this emote! Another one down! 5 more to go!

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Great news guys! My home internet cable has been replaced with new cables! I have high hopes of less or no disconnections in my future streams!! YAY!! *fingers crossed* 🤞🤞

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Tonight's stream will be 2 Parts! Part 1 we will be playing Overwatch - Red Light Green Light for few rounds, then we will hop into our Doodle Stream! See you soon!💖
Image made using: PicCrew

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Thanks to everyone who came to my first silent stream today, and got my first raid that is over 100 people! *tears* big thanks to 🥰 Hope to see you guys in my next stream!

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Good night my lovely friends and kittens❤️ I've been working hard on some new emotes! What emote should I draw next? 🥰

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Last stream started with disaster but ended on a happy note. Let's hope for a smooth stream later tonight fingers crossed!


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