No hay mejor que unas elecciones para quitarse de encima un legado obsoleto heredado de un asesino ...aunque seguro que dirán que la Bolsa chilena ha bajado por ello,recuerda que el quiere tenerlo todo controlado.

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Lembrando que o Chile começou a derrotar o neoliberalismo por meio da única maneira possível, olha só:

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Lembrando que amanhã (20:00) é dia de Jogando Joguineos na minha Twitch.

Vamos ver a fantástica demo de e continuar a saga de Knights and Bikes batendo no neoliberalismo.

Cola conóis

3 31

Seeing one gov't (🔵) let a public university fail while another (🔴) provide a $6B bail out to a private airline really shows how neoliberalism has rendered the "political spectrum" meaningless.

8 14

starting talks to buy Sputnik V vaccine | has a lot to learn from audacity | Techno-Authoritarianism | A History of | TCS : ‘#PostNeoliberalism?’ | The Middle East Crisis Factory |

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⚫️ Actu : Léo Luccioni at Stems Gallery
"Through a colourful, pop and flashy aesthetics, french artist Luccioni highlights the ambiguity of our relationship with consumerism in a neoliberalism era."
♟ via

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Neo-liberalism is an ideology based on illusions

Thomas Klikauer, Norman Simms – The Hidden Secrets of Neoliberalism

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“Westminster’s historical neglect of these indigenous British languages mirror a similar disregard for the 300 “foreign” languages that make up multicultural Britain”

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Quote from "Out of the Hands of Others' Fantasies: Minority Mental Health in the Eye of Neoliberalism's Storm" by Professor Jermaine Singleton, featured in our issue FANTASY. Image by Debora Cheyenne Cruchon.

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El explicado para principiantes.

5 13

Una parte de la juventud se está educando y creyendo las mentiras del neoliberalismo. Cuando se den de cara contra la realidad y vean que no pueden mudarse a Andorra, ni pagarse el alquiler de una habitación, se frustran y llenarán de odio, al tiempo.

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The term 'Neoliberal' is often used nowadays to describe our current economic and educational system. However, what exactly is neoliberalism? What are the key concepts behind it? How does neoliberalism manifest in our educational system?


782 1324

The phrase "white working class" was popularised by the Far-Right.

It's now used by damaged sadists to try & persuade white working class people that their problems are to do with being white, when actually they're caused by uncaring greedy elites, & decades of neoliberalism.

46 109

El agua ya cotiza en bolsa, el aire será lo siguiente, al tiempo.

56 78


É preciso seguir desmoralizando o neoliberalismo, cujas medidas, aprofundadas por Temer e Bolsonaro, só serviram para aumentar o desemprego, desmantelar os serviços públicos, destruir direitos históricos e piorar a vida das pessoas, 👇🏾

90 332

La explotación laboral en países tercermundistas gracias a la globalización y el neoliberalismo para que nos podamos comprar camisetas a tres euros.

49 55

La explotación laboral en países tercermundistas gracias a la globalización y el neoliberalismo para que nos podamos comprar camisetas a tres euros.

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