Братья Пилоты. По следам полосатого слона/Pilot Brothers: On the Track of Striped Elephant/Pilots Bros: After the Striped Elephant (Windows 3.x/Windows 9x, 1997)

19 96

SimTunes (Windows 3.x, 1996)
Designed by Toshio Iwai and published by Maxis, SimTunes is an music creation tool where music is made with various tiles arranged in patterns that interact with intrument-bugs that crawl on them.

43 108

Duckman: The Graphic Adventures of a Private Dick (Windows 9x, 1997)

26 130

The Walt Disney World Explorer (Windows 3.x/Windows 9x, 1996)

19 66

Scholastic's The Magic School Bus Explores the Solar System (Windows 3.x, 1994)

4 22

The Residents' Bad Day on the Midway (Windows 3.x/Macintosh, 1995)

46 109