Impression of Maryport Harbour. I love pushing these paintings to the edge of abstraction.

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100 Days of Virtually EVAN - Day 33

Lynn Bates | From Blencathra | Oil Painting | £350

Virtual gallery:

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100 Days of Virtually EVAN - Day 23

Christine Roy | Introspection, mixed media | £185

Virtual gallery:

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Christ's Church Maryport. Acrylic and pen on watercolour paper.

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Sketch of Maryport, pencil and pastel on card

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Maryport harbour on a grey day. Pan pastel on card.

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Maryport sunset, pan pastel on card, with some pen added.

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Maryport harbour in pan pastel and pen on card. Loving these experiments in mixed media.

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Maryport harbour, charcoal watercolor and pastel on card.

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