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31 207

Nova and Abel’s son (in some au) named Moss… nickname Uyo 🥺

67 1331

it physically pained me to draw nova so grey hope u enjoy https://t.co/QqKIBmSVBe

179 3098

Nova makes me happy in the way that he’s constantly doing what he wants and dresses how he wants :noplead: and that includes sports wear too..he’s jus pretty in whatever he does and wants and maybe the most carefree of my characters..

6 149

“Hi, I’m Nova!!!”
🤖 🦭

42 924

【 ID 】

HO1人間:ひなつ/Pius Nova

エンドI・エンドTにて1生還1継続不可と相成りました!めちゃくちゃいいエンドを踏ませていただき おもしれ〜〜〜〜シナリオだった!一生IDHO1みたいなHOやりたい‼️‼️

0 4

Nova 🔥 Can’t wait to draw her like crazy next year

99 1047

NOVA is coming 12/26/2023 on Webtoon Canvas. Not a drill … The prologue is ready.

177 1776

Nova 🖤💛

1284 9341


14 31


HO1:Sheeta Nova / 川崎
HO2:George Ashburton / 出口あさなが
HO3:Oswald Locksmith / トキハカ
HO4:Eleanor Miller / 入口さとる

エンド1 全生還

3 5

今日はTRPG N◎VA『裏探偵試験』!館に集められたのは、プロレスお嬢様探偵!毒物生成ヒルコ探偵!トンチキに見えて、めっちゃカッコイイ探偵達でした…

6 18

Depois terminar as aulas deu um desanimo que até acumulou episódios. Vou pegar das 20h pra virar vendo tudo isso.

E notei que não vi a nova temp de DR. STONE e lembrei de uns que não continuei. Me fudi legal.

0 5

can we hold hands in the shower?

Nova belongs to !!!!! This piece was a response to one he awesomely drew for me about a week or so back

tysm again sotcho Yonu looks amazing <3333

29 472

Nova and Val ❤️❤️
Val belongs to

236 2168

Nova and Giri 🩷🩷
Giri belongs to

250 2441