Doodle before bed

Nyaru said she liked sasuke

1 27

Heard you're a fan of Peruvian food , so I did a little something.

7 50

Another general joins the army! This time: !

3 25

Idol, Magical Girl... Its all the same really.
I love imagining cool outfit changes, and I wanted to try it out for two of my favorite chuubas around!

7 54


15 51

Drawing is fun and I think I'm getting better!
Here's the batch for this stream!

2 9

Nya Nya Nyaru! 💫

This was late ass Christmas gift. I very proud of my spro sister! I know you’ll accomplish many amazing things this year!!! I’ll always be cheering you on!! >:0

13 58

Vtuber idols appreciation. The best of the east and the west. Please support them. I love them both so much.

Hailing from Indonesia, your hikineet chuuni idol, @/splendiferachie

And from the US of A, your failed idol turned vtuber

4 14

Full render + Alt Colors
Slot 1- Idol Gear
Slot 2- On The Spotlight
Slot 3- Stage Gaze
Slot 4- War Criminal

2 18

Fighter Nyaruchuuu

The Failed Idol that decided to follow her dreams on the virtual stage. With a will stronger than her thighs, she dances on the battle stage like no other.
So stay alert or her next step may be on your head.

2 26

commission for oscurolibelle on tumblr
OC belongs to oscurolibelle

1 6