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¡Damos comienzo a nuestra sección Recoalive Kids! En ella enseñaremos a los más pequeños de la casa valores sobre el reciclaje a la par que se divierten aprendiendo.

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Even if they are just practice sketches, I feel like I always have to do something with them

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... i can't believe I made this... i always may random things listening to OA podcasts XD

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So I finally got my test comic done! Here are the first 4 pages! :D

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Dog Days is coming together. This week, I'll be sketching page layouts for the first section. Here's Billy!

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The classes at the are mind blowing. Here's my take on the schools mascot.

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Working on my homework, I'm having to come up with a new way of doing things because technology hates me

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some examples of the stuff I was talking about on - using shape language to build a story.

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Doodling away while enjoying everyone's pitches~ so much potential and so many beautiful drawings!

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【告知】「Playse×DOALiveTV "AfterPartyMatch" 5 on 5」を8/2(土)10:00~18:00 e-SportsSQUARE秋葉原にて開催。詳細近日公開。

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