• when will i stop drawing in this style? who knows! anyway moon lad

• {#moonremixrpgadventure }

5 11

• been doin some lks redesigns for fun!

• {#littlekingsstory }

8 12

Happy new year to everyone! Repost of my fav Onion Games based artworks from this last two years.

10 37

2021 (left) Vs 2022 (right)
This year was a big improvement for my art, cannot wait to learn more on 2023.

13 31

• i saw my coworker getting kissed by santa (merry christmas to those who celebrate it!)

• { }

2 6

Some Love-De-Lic doodles, mainly based on Kurashima Kazuyuki style

18 57

"Splendid work, Jennifer. You are no longer a wretched peon". (Remake)

12 35

• may i offer the idea of prince yamada n knight bronson?

• { }

3 5

"Oh, now I see... It was you! It was your fault that I got into trouble!" (Remake)

11 29