I forgot to upload this on here yesterday even tho I did in the server lmao, happy birthday stinky

1 31

I showed it to Omar yesterday so I can post it now here<3

2 12

wooo drawing more Omar, this time Omar going trick or treating owo

1 3

Omarmu fanart for draw whatever you want in

2 6

So been awhile I’ve done any fan art sooo here’s Omarmu, ready to fight, GO OMAR >:o (sorry for the sloppiness still getting used to my drawing tablet)

1 12

Sooo I always wondered how always kept bad on his shoulder 100% of the time soooo I thought of this 0-0 this is kinda my first ever short comic and first time draw bad so cool (btw Omarmu I am zeewooflesuwu in twitch and ZeeWolf’s in YouTube if you didn’t know)

1 7

Bork, Omarmu eating fire noodles, he getting a bit sweaty from hardcore gaming and eating noodles uwu. (My first fan art for Omarmu)

2 9

I can’t stop thinking about this... XD


If you know... you know XD back from Omarmu’s stream on Saturday hehe 💜✨ Boop is an evil egg XD 💙

4 19

art for :D
this was really fun to draw

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