My first book this week is by & from
- you can never have enough Keanu Reeves in your life so pick this up today ^KB

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The final book this week is by from - if you've never experienced the incredible art of Jim before then prepare to be blown away - grab a copy of this book now while it's hot ^KB

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Up next this week is by
and from - a phenomenal run comes to an end with this issue - will they be back for more? ^KB

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The first comic this week is by
from - this is just a sublime series and you can feel the love for the movie beaming from every page ^KB

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The first book is by
and - this continues to be one of the most beautiful superhero comics ever published - it's absolutely stunning ^KB

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The only comic is by from - this is a great little book that looks absolutely beautiful. Lemire is on top form here ^KB

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Next up is by and - loving this love letter to the original movie that just keeps getting better and better ^KB

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Our next comic is by & from - this is the penultimate issue of this brutally beautiful comic and I love this cover ^KB

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Our last pick is by & from - it's sad we're already at the final issue of this superb series. I only hope these creators get together again soon. ^KB

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The first book this week is by & from Black Label imprint - it's so great to see these characters again. If you like this be sure to track down ^KB

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The last book this week is by and - just go and get this. I'm pretty sure you'll love it ^KB

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Returning to the this week is and from - a fitting and beautiful tribute to the work of and ^KB

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The next comic this week is by and - of is a fan of this pulp adventure series so you know it must be good ^KB

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My next book to look out for this week is by & from - this is the final issue in the run but I hope we see more from this talented team soon ^KB

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The final book out today and making our list is the first issue of the new series by and - I'm a big of this characters and I'm curious where they'll take him in this 30th Anniversary year ^KB

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The final comic this week is by and from - King meets Stranger Things with wonderful monster designs - go check it out ^KB

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The next comic this week is by and - this is the book for you if you love pulp adventure like Indianna Jones, Uncharted and Tomb Raider - looks and reads so well - pick it up ^KB

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