Death cultists are pretty warped that way. See also: climate change, warmongering, white supremacy.

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We get a time frame for this Pantheon; like 455, this Lucifer has exceeded the expected limit of her life. The only explanation I can think of is that she actively uses her power much less, so the toll on her body has come more slowly.

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Beth is such a petty character! She's not even entertaining with her selfish bullshit the way that Woden and Ananke are.

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The bit about some readers being mad at Laura is the tip off that Kieron knew some folks would get invested in her having the baby. Could be political shit in a few cases (to hell with anti-abortionists), but I feel like a lot of it's narrative.

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The whole "I had an abortion so fuck off" sequence is a little heavy-handed, but honestly I don't know how I'd do it better. Probably not with a big dramatic confrontation in a subway with flames in the background though.

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Keeping the nose ring after descending is a strong choice on Laura's part. It suits her.

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So we know now that this is a bluff, and it's totally irrelevant that Laura got pregnant and has an abortion. I had some strong feelings about it the first time I read this arc though.

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As an aside, I know that Beth and her crew are a bunch of dummies, but how does anyone miss this warning about the gun being overpowered?

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I like to think that I hate Woden and Ananke equally, but I can't deny that her sick burns on Woden's fundamental cluelessness about what's really happening are extremely satisfying.

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"Seen enough stories" is a slightly strange idiom. In context I get that it's just Ananke waxing philosophical about her life's work of not dying, but it also has strong vibes of Ananke just really enjoying watching soap operas.

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It's a really weird moment to have the series's two antagonists discussing the limits of their moral depravity. Woden laying bare his anger at Jon's mother is a good beat for establishing the misogyny's not actually based on any weird principles.

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Kieron makes this same point in the DIE beta rules when he discusses setting narrative boundaries with your players. It's good to know that even genocidaires like Ananke have moral standards.

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I think Ananke actually really enjoys the challenge of pretending to be a child. She just commits to it with such gusto. " you?"

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I do love that the chief symbol of Laura's decision to set aside godhood is her going back to her shitty old phone. She's literally giving up the mysteries of Persephone (fancy phone's an Eleusinia; look it up) to just be Laura again.

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Treasure this moment, because we hardly ever get to see Minerva being genuinely shocked.

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Just wanna point out that impressing Woden is never something to be proud of. Doing it intentionally is grounds for shunning.

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Ugh, Beth is that one character you keep forgetting exists, and then she pops up and you're like, "*This* fuckwit."

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Anyway, let's move on. This dude does a spot on Cassandra impression, and now I wonder what quality in her voice the font signifies. I always think of the black speech bubbles as indicating a kind of flatness to the Norns' speech.

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Yeah, I might gouge chunks of my face out too after that long without feeling *anything.* Humans need stimulus, and when you've been starved of it for so long, even pain is welcome.

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