💜 // "It's been one-month after my birthday came to this day. I have also this painting was a delinquent, creating by the artist like this and I pretty love it..." 😊❤

Life's goes on complicated..

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New Gods (love colour fade)

Graphite and coloured pencil on peach butchers paper, commonly used to wrap meat to keep it fresher… https://t.co/7hP2QVUclA

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DAY 22
🔬Limonium spectabile
📍 Spain,
🛑 Critically endangered
📉Population: 160 individuals and decreasing


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🔬Equus ferus
📍China & Mongolia
🛑Endangered / en peligro de extinción
📉 population/población: 178


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🔬Lepidochelys kempii
📍Gulf of Mexico & Atlantic Ocean / Golfo de México & Océano Atlántico
🛑 Critically endangered / Peligro crítico de extinción
📉 population 22,341


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👑 tion
🔬: Lontra felina
📍: Argentina, Chile, Peru
🛑: Endangered / en peligro de extinción
📉: Population decreasing
🤪: Its scientific name means “otter cat”, also known as “marine cat” in Spanish

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UP KPS-CDS vehemently condemns the violence on and killings of activists in Southern Tagalog.

full statement: https://t.co/Q5hiNd7nWU

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Since this year is getting to an end and it's only been a month with EN-
I made this thread of my Enhypen fanarts ❤️
Thank you and for making this a beautiful end to this 2020 year💗


63 229

onemonth Old paintings 3

옛날에 그린 그림 3

51 250

can we talk about how cardigan music video is a month old today🥺???

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⚠️WIN a staffroom Christmas party for your school!⚠️ Could this be the best Christmas present? 🎁
Enter here https://t.co/V0LFdGGfgT

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One of the world’s smallest butterflies- the Sinai baton blue butterfly

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I’m finally getting a chance to join a project helping to help raise awareness about the extinction crisis.

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Gato andino (Leopardus jacobitus) – mamífero carnívoro de América del Sur, su distribución se limita a las regiones montañosas de los Andes

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On my way home 😁 finally ... sleep is calling my name, lol. Also, only 1 more month until Sailor Moon Stars!! 06/18/19 ❤⭐🌙⭐❤ I can't wait!!

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