A Momma owl's fierce love for her owlet. How many fellow Mommas identify with this? 🦉❤️🐣

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What my says to me September 21 - use your OWLsome gifts to create magic in your world ❤

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You are...
Brave. Fearless.
Creative. Magnificent...
What my says to me Sept 21 - use your OWLsome gifts to create magic in your world ❤

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See yourself, your neighbours and your world from a love filled perspective. What my says to me September 16

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What my says to me August 18 - OWLways open your heart, for your heart is the centre of knowledge, love and so much more.

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The rising BONSAI Owl
盆栽フクロウ物語絵の1枚です。#盆栽の門 をくぐると水平線の向こうに 


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Enter from the BONSAI gate !
盆栽フクロウ物語絵の1枚です。#盆栽の門 から入るとどうなるのか、どうぞお楽しみに♪


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Light your world with laughter...
What my says to me August 13 - drink YOUR life
You light up my world!#owls

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Shine your light.
Share your light.
Love your light.
Be THE light.
You light up my world!
What my says Aug 13

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What my says to me August 13 - drink YOUR life in and...
Shine your light.
Share your light.
Love your light.
Be THE light.
You light up my world!

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What my says to me May 23 - Love in it's many forms is OWLsome. Be love, discover love, OWLways share love ❤

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Let self-love catch you by surprise.
What my says to me May 23 - Be love, discover love, OWLways share love ❤

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