One of today's quick sketches from Jan Baltzell's course at

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A recent of mine done during Ron Wyffels' Drawing Seminar course this past semester at PAFA.

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Todays quick oil study of Bonnie, our model from Al Gury's class at

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A grisaille study I recently worked on in Renée Foulks's Life Painting class at

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First day of Animal Drawing class at Can't wait to start on live subjects.

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A quick oil study of Toulouse-Lautrec's painting "The Bed". Done for David Wilson's Life Painting class at

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7-9pm opening at "The PAFA Show" curated by Katherine Bradford.
Jennifer Coates' “Large Snickers”:

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Here's a final cast from my first semester at 15"x20" Conte & pastel on black Arches Cover.

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A Rubens master copy I worked on recently at A quick study but I'm enjoying the learning process.

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Recent colored pencil still life completed for a scholarship challenge.

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Just finished first colored pencil piece in a decade. Observational still life for scholarship challenge.

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