Oh shit, people are tweeting about PEMDAS again. Time to post this

2 12

PEMDAS is trending but so many people are talking about math this and math that what are they referring to if not THE LEGEND

45 160

PEMDASEST of all time. PEMDAS of the medium. PEMDAS of media. PEMDAS standard of storytelling. PEMDAS of creativity. Vertex of PEMDAS. Crest of Please Excuse My Dope Ass Swag. PEAK PEMDAS.

15 38

SO TRUE PEMDAS BATTLER!! BODMAS Beatrice totally agrees and all her trans followers are very awesome swagger! https://t.co/tnOfzJa0sX

66 160

hello, this is the PEMDAS battler from the based department how can I help you?

14 37

💖WMMAP AU But with childeaether💖
So I like wmmap and I like ChildexAether so pemdas makes this! AYE so HERES the scene of the debutante with em✨

89 500

What's your answer? 1 or 9?

Time to review PEMDAS.🥰

Original artwork from add_caffeine(IG)

1 24

The anti-ann club!! What are they looking at? We’ll never know...
We’re a bunch of idiots but thanks to PEMDAS are dumbassery cancels itself out HNSNS
Please excuse my bad hand writing 😔😔😔

5 13

caved and made one of these i know it’s dumb but it’s also cute so it cancels out and that’s on pemdas

0 27

>PEMDAS is trending

Please don't remind me of middle school

2 10

Meme gets me tentacruel

PEMDAS Gets me ursaring

0 1