✨NEW Artist✨
🤖 Mr.H
-Fine Art
-Motion Graphic
-Character Design
-Brand Design

PPA 프로젝트에 새로운 아티스트가 등장했습니다.
아날로그와 디지털의 조화를 꿈꾸는
드로잉 플레이어 Mr.H!

6 11

is so underrated. Look at how clean this PFP is… insane what the marketplace has in store! And!!! You can race!!!

12 33


Over 240M $deal spent, but hopefully you haven’t run out yet because 20 WL spots were just added to the Hub👀

9 18

Let's get the weekend started with a quick before today's Twitch stream👀

🖖2x Scavenger🖖
🛰️Like & RT
🛰️Tag 3 frens
🛰️Hold a
🖖Ends in 4h🖖


26 33

Hi family the has a for you all tonight from 👀

🖖3x WL🖖
🛰Follow &
🛰Like & RT
🛰Tag 3 frens
🖖Ends in 24h🖖

14 25

Join us in the movement 👀

Take part in the train and follow your fellow Dealers🖖

NFT by PPA_Deployer

31 68

GM 🖖

It's been amazing to see how quickly the is selling out, might want to check the raffles section before those tickets are gone👀

15 29


2 2

🟣ムギ先生 霧嶋麦

3 3

現時点でのそのほかの絵 スイ、イト、オベリスク

3 4

To all of my fellow out there. I want to know, what makes you bullish on I'll go first 👇

14 34

It's Here's on what in the works
-osr submtion to osr june jam
-18XX titles:
---railway conspiracy
-a hack of a system soon to have OGL
-a FITD twist about PPA sorcerers

Checkout my stuff here

1 4

Hi Dealers🖖

As hinted at in last week’s the first snapshot has officially been processed👀

This Friday during our Twitch we will announce the first lucky Dealer who will get to collaborate with the team to build their 1/1

26 44

Can anyone help me get this dealer? I feel like this dealer is my web3 counterpart. Please help! Rank 171 ❤️🚀

0 9

x Nekozuma😸

Nekozuma is a new SOL project launched by our frens at 👀

🖖3 Nekolist for 🖖

To Enter:
🛰Like & RT
🛰Tag 3 Friends

75 94


has landed another bid, I really didn't expect to be able to get one bid on my piece within 24 hours of mint, let alone 4 😭 and an offer too!

You have no idea how much this means.
Sideways 4 lyfe 🖤🔥

10 32

Dealer Staking went live yesterday! To show my love for the PPA community, I'll be giving out Dealer

To Enter:
🟣Follow , ,
🟣Like & Retweet
🟣Tag 2 Frens

🖖Ends in 24hrs🖖

30 37


We’re officially one wake-up away from moving into our and kicking off Chapter 2 of the

Hope you’re all ready🖖


35 80


With staking coming on Friday which one are you more excited for?

Our weekly stream on Twitch or moving into your

25 60