This exceptional work by artist Jamie Frost is on display at Astley Hall, 13 July - 1 Sept...interested in reviewing it??Course you are! Email me

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Calling all bloggers! Are you attending a wedding soon? Do you need a new outfit for the occasion? Comment, DM or email to find out more info!

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Are there any who'd distribute our press release pro bono? See for details. You'd be doing a great thing: empowering people politically, and with proceeds going to .

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'John Craxton in Greece: The Unseen Works' will open at Osborne Samuel 10th May - you can currently see his work in 'Charmed Lives in Greece: Ghika, Craxton, Leigh Fermor'

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always when another trip is on the cards as reflected in paper world!

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It's that time of the year again. Get in touch brands if you want to be featured.

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