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Mai's favorite pajamas

1981 16797

Those are... Ducky pajamas that Zoro complained about yesterday...

And I drew them like an old married couple once again.

(ZoSan Highschool AU)

305 2722

:Your heart is so loud. Are you excited to wear my pajamas? hehe
:Sh-shut up! Your taste in pajamas is so childish.
:Hah? Don't you dare insult my ducky pajamas! 💢 If you wear them and they get saggy, I'll kick your ass, idiot!
:Who cares! 💢 Go to sleep!

(ZoSan Highschool AU)

190 1790

I forgot I also drew Juri in hoodie pajamas weeks before the costume got announced omg

150 927

Collaboration with Bread( )❤️

They wore couple pajamas🥰🥰

22 103

imagine there was only one set of pajamas but they exchanged for each other like this ☝️ Problem solved!

57 618

Meringue in pajamas 🌸 doing some testing with simplifying style, here is experiment

423 5525

Day 49 of random HK characters wearing something silly until Silksong comes out

Thought it would be silly to draw them wearing my irl unmatched pajamas

1 20

silly self portra it but im In my pajamas and i just brushed my hair so it proofed a Ton

0 2

Ngl this was a hard prediction especially with the large hoodie but I did my best 😅
Maybe fantasy moom instead? Pajamas moom?? Cat moom???

41 241

warmup of terzo in pajamas 💅

128 665