【PALEO IDOL】Gonna cancel this year’s OC-tober due to sudden change of schedule (something to do with TFRA toys so good news after all) Any way here’s some characters that were meant to be released with new OC-Tober drawings.

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【PALEO IDOL】Ischi Herrera isn’t like any we’ve introduced so far, she’s from another parallel school abandoned for technical issues, after seeing all her friends been disposed by school as failures, her only purpose now is to make humanity pay

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Horri Tricera (T. horridus)

She horny for Rex btw

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day 15
sadly daily mosa gonna go on hiatus

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Day 11
"when you gonna draw me like when you draw rex and aegyptia"

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day 10
Rex and the uni assigment is messed up my schedule

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Rex Tyranno Fanart
With abs version cuz i like buff girl :)

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