We all Palestinians are with you Ahmed till you get your freedom 🇵🇸✌️

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What is a resistance fighter?

If this invasion roused you to protest the evil of war (it should), carry that forward for the next time Israel bombs Gaza or Palestinians resist their land's occupation.

No to war, occupation, and apartheid.

From for

16 52

The world focused about Ukraine war, but Palestinians got their home destroyed long time before another war. Hey, world! "How about me?" Palestinians said.

Link :

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The western governments' double standard policy & hypocrisy.

Palestinians' struggle against the were always accused of terrorism, but in Ukraine's case, it is heroism.

8 5

Israeli occupation forces continue to ban the entry of medical equipment, mainly for radiology services, and spare parts to the Gaza Strip, tightening the medical blockade on Gaza where around 2,300,000 Palestinians are locked into 365 square kilometers besieged enclave.

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Following Human rights Watch, Amnesty International has now also labeled Israel's treatment of Palestinians apartheid. Our cartoon collection: https://t.co/8z8LOgFMgZ

This cartoon is by

38 78

Palestinians are calling on allies in the US to stop the funding of Israeli settler organizations through charitable donations. This is a simple & winnable change, which can result in changes on the ground not only in Palestine but also across the US. https://t.co/mFryvVpeq8

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Miss Universe candidates will be celebrating over the demolished houses, as well as they're going to walk on the red carpet which is colored by the blood of innocent Palestinians, who were ethnically cleansed by 'Israel'.

77 116

29 November: International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian people.
I support the Palestinian fight for freedom, justice and equality with promoting BDS; writing about Israel's crimes against Palestinians; and defending their right to resist the colonizing apartheid regime.

16 26

On 104th anniversary of infamous which supported a home for Jews in 🇵🇸, Palestinians hold on to their own promise "we won't abandon our land, & we will resist the Occupier, & we will deliver this promise from 1 generation 2 another."

11 14

"From the land to the sea, Palestine will be free"


I made a girl based off of the Palestinian flag! I hope fellow Palestinians enjoy!

1 3

Palestinian Prisoners' movement announced that new group of detainees will join the ongoing hunger strike in protest of Israeli ill treatment 2 Palestinians in Israeli jails

Last week, 250 detainees staged an open-ended hunger strike in Israeli jails

2 4

If you support Palestinians’ right to return and right to self-determination in their homeland, you should support Indigenous people’s demand for — for restoration of their sovereignty and stewardship, and respect for their connection to and knowledge of their lands.

837 2059

Six Palestinians in Israeli jails continue their hunger strike in protest of their administrative detention without any charge or trial:

Kayed Fasfous- 66 days
Meqdad Qawasma- 59 days
Alaa Alaraj- 41 days
Hisham Abuhwash- 33 days
Rayeq Basharat- 28 days
Shadi Abuakar- 25 days

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Palestinians widely celebrate the daring prison break via a tunnel dug by six freedom-fighters this morning

29 125

Palestinians in the Gaza strip spend more than half of their day without electricity, even in this scorching heat - a humanitarian crime that has been going on for over 15 years, with every power outage fueling more anger and indignation.

53 55

If you can’t tell what’s really happening in I think this will refresh your memory.

The new picture is from today as Palestinians try to defend their homes from being demolished by Israeli forces.

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No matter who governs 'Israel', they will bomb Gaza, displace Palestinians, and continue to occupy Palestine.

775 1421

I wonder why the American government is so hesitant to criticize Israel, a settler colonial state built on the genocide and displacement of Indigenous Palestinians.

Oh wait

179 613

No matter who governs 'Israel', they will bomb Gaza, displace Palestinians, and continue to occupy Palestine.

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