Thanks for hosting!
Our game is called Until The End, and it's a visual novel where you play a nurse working in palliative care.

So come and meet our nurse, and maybe wishlist our game 👀

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Thanks for hosting!
Our game is called Until The End, and it's a visual novel where you play a nurse working in palliative care.

So come and meet our nurse, and maybe wishlist our game 👀

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Thanks for hosting!
Our game is called Until The End, and it's a visual novel where you play a nurse working in palliative care.

So come and meet our nurse, and maybe wishlist our game 👀

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Thanks for hosting!
Our game is called Until The End, and it's a visual novel where you play a nurse working in palliative care.

So come and meet our nurse, and maybe wishlist our game 👀

0 1

Thanks for hosting!
Our game is called Until The End, and it's a visual novel where you play a nurse working in palliative care.

So come and meet our nurse, and maybe wishlist our game 👀

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Our game is called Until The End, and it's a visual novel where you play a nurse working in palliative care.

So come and meet our nurse, and maybe wishlist our game 👀

0 1

Our game is called Until The End, and it's a visual novel where you play a nurse working in palliative care.

So come and meet our nurse, and maybe wishlist our game 👀

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Our game is called Until The End, and it's a visual novel where you play a nurse working in palliative care.

So come and meet our nurse, and maybe wishlist our game 👀

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Our game is called Until The End, and it's a visual novel where you play a nurse working in palliative care.

So come and meet our nurse, and maybe wishlist our game 👀

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Our game is called Until The End, and it's a visual novel where you play a nurse working in palliative care.

So come and meet our nurse, and maybe wishlist our game 👀

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Our game is called Until The End, and it's a visual novel where you play a nurse working in palliative care.

So come and meet our nurse, and maybe wishlist our game 👀

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Our game is called Until The End, and it's a visual novel where you play a nurse working in palliative care.

So come and meet our nurse, and maybe wishlist our game 👀

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Our game is called Until The End, and it's a visual novel where you play a nurse working in palliative care.

So come and meet our nurse, and maybe wishlist our game 👀

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Thanks for hosting!
Here is Until The End :
The idea came to the dev when his wife began working in a palliative care unit. There were so many stories that he felt he needed to share. So he took bits everywhere and created the game.

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Thanks for hosting 😁

Wanna discover palliative care? Play Until The End 👀

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Our game is called Until The End, and it's a visual novel where you play a nurse working in palliative care.

So come and meet our nurse, and maybe wishlist our game 👀

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Our game is called Until The End, and it's a visual novel where you play a nurse working in palliative care.

So come and meet our nurse, and maybe wishlist our game 👀

1 1

We have one, we have one! Thanks for hosting! 😁

Wanna discover palliative care? Play Until The End 👀

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แม่ของ พ.ต.ต.วสันต์ จากไปด้วยตัวโรคมะเร็งระยะสุดท้าย พร้อมกับที่คนไข้ระยะสุดท้ายในพื้นที่เสียชีวิตที่บ้านหลายเคสไล่เลี่ยกัน

ธรรมชาติ หรือ ทำให้ตาย?

นพ.กันตภัทร หมอ Palliative care คนที่วสันต์มอบทั้งร่างกายและหัวใจให้ กลับกลายมาเป็นผู้ต้องสงสัยอันดับหนึ่ง

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