Panprice things wooooo

I didn't actually know these characters had names until a week ago

42 174

I’ll just post these panels of the comic because I don’t know how to Twitter

23 120

panprice aggies + whiteboard doodles

15 49

This topic was discussed in a discord server Im in but imagine a Wolf Children PanPrice au but instead of having to raise a wolf, Rupert was on his own raising a tiny bat ,,

38 127

After seeing Toppat Panprice I'm just wondering if JR will be Topppat too? _(:3 」∠)_
I don't know how to stop thinking about these ship-children my brain just went bruuhhh 😂😂😂 //characters belong to Milky and Methavee

60 273

fuck you
*gives you panprice au*

32 147

redrawing my first humanize panprice drawing hehe

23 103

Хех, решил сделать не сложный рисунок и взяла идею с рупертом пчелой и деивом аксолотлем
Heh, I decided to make a simple drawing and picked up the idea with a bee Rupert and Dave axolotl

11 46

Finally make a proper intro for my Panprice ship child

Anyway some basic stuff: He’s 7 years old but feel free to draw him smaller or something :P
I’ll add more stuff in the threads later if necessary cause i tend to forgot things a lot

12 73

redraw some panprice hehe <3

15 74