Look at this great fan art of Atolm! This fan art was contributed to us two years ago by .


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Check out this cool fan art of the Stripe Wing dragon! This fan art was commissioned by and created by .


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This fan art of the Basic Wing was created by . The Basic Wing is the first form of Edge's dragon in Panzer Dragoon Saga.


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This is official art of an Enforcer, one of the Empire's ships that are encountered in Panzer Dragoon Saga.


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It's the Basic Wing I was working on yesterday!

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This official art from Panzer Dragoon Saga depicts a lazara, a pure-type creature and a stryder, a mutated creature.


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Look at this nice fan art of Azel from Panzer Dragoon Saga! Thanks to for contributing this to us.


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This art featuring Azel, Edge, Craymen, and the dragon comes from Panzer Dragoon Azel, which is a novelization of the video game.


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Check out this nice fan art of the Eye Wing! The Eye Wing is one of the forms Edge's dragon evolves into in Panzer Dragoon Saga. Thanks to Digital Dragoon (https://t.co/C214m1KN06) for contributing.


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Look at these adorable drawings of the Basic Wing! Thanks to Sphenodontia (https://t.co/3YigOYVY6o) for contributing this to us.


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In this fan art, we see Edge looking out at something, possibly at the excavation site. Thanks to for the contribution.


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3rd game of the year done! Panzer Dragoon Saga has one of the most unique battle systems I have ever played. Never seen anything like it! The story was top notch and I am still thinking about that crazy ending.

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Here's a great fan art of the Basic Wing from Panzer Dragoon Saga! What are your favorite dragon forms from this game? Thanks to Sphenodontia (https://t.co/3YigOZdyXW) for contributing.


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Check out this nice drawing of Edge and Azel with a dragon pup! Thanks to for contributing this to us.


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This artwork of a chibi Valiant Wing may look like it was colored with markers, but it is digital art created with brushes that mimic the look of real markers. Art created by .


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Baldors are very odd creatures from Panzer Dragoon Saga. They have a small upper jaw and a huge lower jaw. First time I've drawn one.

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In this fan art, we see a chibi Craymen sitting on a giant mushroom in front of some trees. Art created by .


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This art from one of Panzer Dragoon Saga's "change disc" screens depicts Edge and Azel on the floater in the Uru Underground Ruins. If you played the game, what did you think of this part?


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