I'm writing a secret book.

"Perplexity" is a psychological cosmic horror isekai about writing. An author meets someone from another world & suffers a mind-breaking affliction that "makes her a better writer."


Details in my blog https://t.co/gWAaFN08EQ

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I’m currently a quarter of the way through with chapter 17 of I’m planning on making it into two parts (18 will be part 2) or three, depending on the length :))

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Watching End of EVA as a trio of acid-tripping queers, it made us hoot with laughter when the ur-straight pilot first encounters what to us is so obviously a logic of femme excess & reports back in total perplexity: "what is she doing" Duh! This is a queer slut from outer space!!

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Perplexity 👽❓ •12x12• canvas
Available for purchase 🛸

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Chapter 8 of is up and ready to read!

Link: https://t.co/8mDb9HfnnY

Although it has one scene, I promise next chapter will be much longer :)) 💙🧡

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Grimm's... sassier older brother, Kaotix the Lord of Perplexity

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's warlock, Perplexity, from the Curse of Strahd game I'm DMing. Looking forward to all the evil things I'm going to throw at him. 😈

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The Battle of Alexander at Issus (1529)-Albrecht Altdorfer's masterpiece, portrays the victory of Alexander the Great over Darius III of Persia. The painting is said to induce feelings of perplexity and unease. War as an unholy spectacle, a frozen prophecy.

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Sementara itu, Sofia: Fashion Investigations karya dan tumpah ke dunia nyata saat pembaca menemukan bahwa situs https://t.co/XFuM2pO1SU benar-benar ada dan menantang mereka memecahkan teka-teki Perplexity Princess! Udah cobain?

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Sofia: Fashion Investigations baru aja menutup season 2 dengan revelation besar tentang arch-enemy Sofia, Perplexity Princess. 😼
Waktu yang pas buat koleksi merch dan edisi cetak! (Ada diskon khusus buat komiknya!) 💖✨

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Work in progress for my new floral series: I’m feeling the chaos layer on this one. I heard the term “chaos layer” first from and I’m rolling with it. How else can I describe the absolut freedom and perplexity that is the initial first l… https://t.co/oH0IhGn90J

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A piece of therapy art, done to work through some thoughts

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Selamat menunaikan ibadah puasa, teman-teman! 🙏✨🕌✨ ada pantun buat kamu...

Kenapa? Karena karya dan bakal kembali tayang nanti malam!!! ✨🔎👗👠✨

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Remember Sofia and Perplexity Princess? We're joining this cool campaign for the forest, 🌳🌳 https://t.co/32a8CXBQDg

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Ingat Sofia dan Perplexity Princess? Kita lagi ikutan kampanye pelestarian hutan, 🌳🌳 Ikutan yuk! https://t.co/GXeQcvVMYJ

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Perplexity in Syria!by Augustinus und Arianus

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