this was a doodle from earlier this week but I decided to save it for so here's what happens when morgana fused with teddie.

from an ask on curiouscat.

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I wanted to have the full piece done by today but I've had a very busy, very tiring week so I only got Elizabeth completely done for the and Will attempt to finish the rest of the piece this weekend. Thank you for following the piece's progress!

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WIP for Minato/Makoto and a doodle of Sinister Akechi for
Got a couple more drawings I'm working on for it so if it's still friday somewhere by the time I finish them i'd like to include them! ☺️

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Mitsuru's a beauty, and she's ready to get her groove on!! 😄

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Originally had this planned for sunday but I thought of something else for it. 😙 Instead this will be for !!

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Doing a piece for the Love, Skull zine. but figured while working on it, I'd show off the WIP by turning it into a meme for (final piece will be full-body illustration of both of them)

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Hoping I can finish 2 other drawings i'm doing before end tonight! For now though, have underrated cutie Maki Sonomura!

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Haru's a cutie and she's ready to dance!! 😄

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Made this obviously late, hopefully it's still friday somewhere if not, oh well, more Minato! 😊

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Elizabeth is such a lovable dork; I bet if she discovered "duckface" was a thing she'd think it was hilarious still and pull it out all the time.

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I don't draw Yusuke enough. 😊 Ahh, unfortunately didn't make it in time for either way still wanted to finish it. Always next time!

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The karate door pt. 2! lol late for but yeah. I really love drawing Minato/Makoto, With P3 being the first Persona game I played I really became attached to him!

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