Yeah he has kids
left to right: Morpheus, Phantasos, Icelos

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واحد كان اسمه Phobetor (من Phobia) و ده واضح من اسمه انه كان جالب الاحلام السيئه المرعبه، الكوابيس، و بيبقى تعيس الحظ اللي فوبيتور يعدي عليه و هو نايم.
اما اخوهم الاخير اسمه Phantasos و من اسمه ده بتاع الفانتازيا، او بالبلدي كده جالب الاحلام الخزعبليه اللي شبه بتاعة نومه العصر،

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11. Phantasos
In was the of he represents the inanimate objects seen in – images of earth, rock, water, and wood

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Ikelo, Phantasos and Morpheus

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Phantasos for
Senha for
Wolfram for
Jilaiya for qumitih on tumblr

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Phantasos art dump. I just love her so much.

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Dolls' time: Ker, Pasithea, Phantasos (fem) & Nyx

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Is it ???

Phantasos taking another ride through space

"Seems like it’s forgotten"

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He's paraplegic but that won't stop him from looking good and posing kewl

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