Danke für den lieben Streeeam <3 aaa ;;
Phogs mit hat solchen Spaß gemacht und uwaaaah!! thenk thenk für den Raid, du cutie ;A;
Oh mann, es war echt comfy heute <3 Dankeee!!

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The doggos are back! With Piefluff feeling better I wanted to announce that we have plans to continue our adventure through PHOGS! See you this next free for all friday!

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I'm Live woo hoo!
After so long I'm finally well enough to stream ฅ•ω•ฅ
I've missed chatting live with you all. So let's play this cute puzzle game recommended Phogs!

Youtube: https://t.co/QfxNadq04i

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Good morning! Today is the day we've been waiting for. I'm going live tonight! I'm still on the recovery side of this long cold but I'm feeling better and can't wait to see you, talk with you, and play the cute collaborative Phogs game with

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Welcome back to another chill Sunday stream. This time we're noodly good boys on a puzzle adventure, called Phogs ! Come hang out if you got the time. 😊✨
- > https://t.co/bC78GuUi0K <-

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This Friday, April 8th, Maya and I will be playing Phogs on her channel at 5pm PST/8pm EST! Check her out too for relaxing art streams and here is an example of her talent too! Drawn by and her channel is here: https://t.co/TZgpmA14OZ

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I'm going to be playing PHOGS with tomorrow, 3/26, at 2 pm PST! I hope y'all will be ready for the chaos that will ensue tomorrow hehe

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yo I'm play the phogs game on stream so come yell at me or something!

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tonight (7 pm EST) join me and as we play phogs to celebrate valentines day and


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Really enjoyed & playing PHOGS, so I had to draw 'em!

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Schedule is here! Lego on Monday, Phogs with Stubbo on Wednesday, and then its Christmas, so I'll be having a lil break! Oh and we're also gonna watch Megamind on Thursday night.

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Thinking of that one cute hedgehog from Phogs 🥺 (art by ) I saw a hedgehog plush just like it today and remembered,,, THEY

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First charity stream went well! A nice $55 went towards the tonight! It’s a good start for sure!! And we finished Phogs!! Thank you food watching us play this silly noodle game and I can’t wait to do more for this cause this month!

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⏰今日 11/6 21時~


夜の枠▶ https://t.co/DX76M4a2EE
夕の枠▶ https://t.co/9uF1vOFvFw

さて どっちがおしりでしょう~

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今夜10時から、電脳リアリスちゃん( )との コラボの第2回があります!

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• 18.10.2021 bis 24.10.2021

Und eine neue Woche beginnt. Es gibt wieder drei Programmpunkte für euch. Unter anderem spiele ich am Mittwoch mit das Spiel PHOGS weiter! ~ Wuff, mehr Pizza für mich? 👀

📽️ https://t.co/HmFfRo1wdL |

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My picks: Madeline (Celeste), Puro (Changed), PHOGS (PHOGS), and uh... Boy (BOY BEATS WORLD) because we need a rhythm based character.

Shovel Knight and Ori are also good choices but they already have great movesets in Rivals of Aether!

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