Love the creative background created for this page from She Blooms by Apple Ledesma!

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This colorful page was shared by Diya Patel.

The page is from our Fashion & Style by .

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These beautiful blooms were colored by Calculady and shared in the Pigment Gallery. The page is from our new Springtime II

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Gorgeous flower coloring and fantastic background, shared by jnnsg in the Pigment Gallery.

This page is from our Flowers X

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Great use of the splatter bush in this by ! The page is from our Fashion & Style by .

You can color your own pages here: then tag to show us!

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Love this awesome fruit colored by Elaine Durham! 🍉 🍎 🍌

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This little guy is proving popular, and we're really enjoying all the different ways you've been coloring him. Here are two more gorgeous pages, colored by Amy Mahony and Trena Baugh.

What have you been coloring lately, show us by tagging

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Our new are outta this world! Which will you color first, Space IV or Babesville by Stephen Egts?

We'd love to see your finished pages, tag to share them with us!

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Did you see this stunning page, colored by Terri Ward! Just look at those wings!

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Beautiful greyscale blooms from ! Do you ever challenge yourself to using a single color or palette?

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Beautiful coloring by Cheryl Guthrie Walker, from our She Blooms by Apple Ledesma.

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If you had to name this bird, what sort do you think it is?

Gorgeous coloring by Sunil on Instagram.

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Another beautiful page from She Blooms, colored by MaryAnn Snitzky Toffoletto. Love all those added details like the necklace and earrings!

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Did you color this page too? These were colored by Dale Alexander, Yxes, María Chávez, and Nancy Kruebbe.

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Did you see Cornelia Werner's use of the Plasma Brush to create this background?! So cool!

The page is from our Fashion & Style by

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Barb Stoneking created this page using only the Rainbow Palette. Love that mottled background! Do you ever challenge yourself to use specific colors or tools? Show us your latest coloring by tagging

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Check out this stunning page, colored by Shelly Hattig Stram, from 'She Blooms' by Apple Ledesma: Love that background!

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This little guy is proving popular, and we're really enjoying all the different ways you've been coloring him. Here are two more gorgeous pages, colored by Amy Mahony and Trena Baugh.

What have you been coloring lately, show us by tagging

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Cheryl Wilson colored this moody page from our Book of Hearts by Stephanie Maier. You can find it here:

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Happy Are you celebrating today?

This lucky page was colored by , show us yours by tagging

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