Кто бы что не говорил, но он прекрасен 😍

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Well, this boi has been sitting on the "sketches I have to colour in at some point but I'm lazy" pile for a while..

2 6

What an unlikely buddy for Boba Fett. I worked on a movie currently unreleased called Monster Problems. I worked with FX sup Matt Sloan for near 5 months. Only after we’re done do I discover he’s bloody Plo Koon!!!!! What a weird life I lead.

7 55

After the “First Meet”. =)
Later on, Quinlan places a remote control firecracker under Obi-wan’s seat. It’s revenge time, baby.

5 56

And rest in peace Can't wait to crawl up in a ball and never see it again after the season finale. 😭

5 24

plo koon is sort of a space dad. it's like a regular dad, but in space

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