画質 高画質

art! hari ini aku terakhir buka  po~ last call to get my merch karena ada beberapa yg ga akan produksi lg next event dan gaada ots, jgn ketinggalan ya!! 💞 https://t.co/W5QgViOuKt

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2枚目:@ po_ta_n
3枚目:@ yasato83
4枚目:@ 7690100_

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art! aku lg adain open po batch2+ ✨ giveaway ✨ buat hsr fanmerch, gojo geto jjk sm lads (last batch-p4p). PO ONLY sampe tgl 20 April ya! bs pick up both days (perkertasan) dan mail (akrilik). Untuk syarat giveaway boleh cek katalog dibawah ya! Thank you 💞🦫 https://t.co/K1Z4QhWgKa

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Art! Haloo aku lagi buka po artprint untuk cf18~ kalau tertarik bisa reply disini ya! Nanti aku kirim form po-nya ☁️ thank you!

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art! Sender update desain standee milkman jadi ditambahin doppelgangernya, diliat2 kayaknya cocok jg kalo dijadiin artprint 😳 Ada yg mau dimasukin taglist kalau udah open PO CF18? https://t.co/dXyRaglXdF

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Hellooow artist! Aku ada mau open PO buat cf nanti. Fandomnya itu kisaran mashle, blue lock sama jjk. Ada kah yang mau di tag? ☝🏻😋

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Aside from zhlm, I also have other genshin stuffs and other fandoms including some Penacony casts!! Everything sadly is in very limited amount (sobs) be sure to grab them fast!!

PO form: https://t.co/YcDeUAyF63

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Of course I will be having zhonglumi stuffs with me again! And guess what we have a new item!!!

I will be attending CF18 with Cottontails on both days!
PO form (it is along with my boothmates! Check their items too!!): https://t.co/YcDeUAyF63

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(Likes, RTs, n shares are very appreciated)

Sorry for the late notice of my PO!! I'm here to mention that my is here!

Link to PO will be on rep so check it while opening the catalogue and some infos hehe~

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Hello Artist!

Sender lagi nyari merch Diluc atau Danheng (bukan yang IL)

untuk Comifuro18 nanti! Prefer yang buka PO ya! Thankyou 🫶

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yuk yang nyariin bisky herkules kemarin, sender udah buka PO art! nieeh https://t.co/jjeOAHmuUD

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Syopi link POCA > https://t.co/j6GKtRxTn0
syopi link doujinshi > https://t.co/aiu6hGh6z7

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✨PO POCA via Syopi

OPEN malam ini ( 15 maret )
pukul jam 9.00 WIB ( 21.00 )

*Poca double sided ( side belakang adalah reveal nama depan karakter beserta tanda tangan mereka )
**Poca Holo laminasi
***Pembelian 1 set (pak pol, kang ojol, pak pol seblak),
bonus 1 misteri… https://t.co/CdTUFPCOr8

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発売中のポケモンカードゲーム 「バトルアカデミー」~『カビゴン』を描かせて頂きました嬉し。バトルアカデミーはポケカ対戦の入門に最適なセットと思います。お友達やご家族とぜひ🙌 Po-Suzuki https://t.co/7t8VgV47eA

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❤Peach blossoms fall with the wind, let Tigress and Po have experienced all the real and ethereal memories, in this moment, melted into a charming spring water, soaked every inch of the soul of Po, such as falling into the water ripples ❤#KungFuPanda4

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Artist! Nitip photocard chenle sender, rencananya mau dijadiin merch dan bakal open PO pertengahan bulan nanti. Of course sama member dream lainnya mueheheh 👉🏻👈🏻

Anw, ada yang mau jadi ber🐄ts

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