Special prayers in remembrance of the victims 9/11. 🙏😢 Good night blessings, my friends. See you tomorrow as we remain joined in prayers. 🙏💞📿🙏

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😷Felicidades en su día para los: 🎉🎊🎈🎁🏆
BOULANGERS 🎈🎉🥐🥖🥨🥯🍞🎂🍰🍩🍪🍕
Patrón de los Panaderos🥖 Pasteleros🎂
Dulces Bendiciones🤚

Paz y Bien

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As the mother knows the needs
better than the babe,
so the Blessed Mother
understands our cries and worries
and knows them better than
we know ourselves.
~~Vn. Fulton Sheen

Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death!

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Heaven and earth will pass away before Mary would abandon a soul!
---St. Frances de Sales


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"Never will anyone who says a Rosary everyday be led astray. This is a statement that I would gladly sign with my blood." - St Louis de Montfort

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