She holds a knife, symbolic of her act of sacrifice, and the lord opossum carries pulque to the four directions. It will be much more complex, with more figures, but here it is so far.

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Pulque is necessary to religious ceremonies, where it is consumed, but also offered to the Teteo and the earth.
It was also drunk by warriors before going to battle, in order to give them bravery, and is therefore associated with valor, sacrifice, and death.

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He is born and comes into the world, bringing the properties of pulque with Him. Drinking and drunkenness were viewed in a very different light than they are in the West. Drinking is a sacred activity, in which the drunken state is evidence of possession by a divine being.

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Patecatl is the Lord of Pulque, the prehispanic alcoholic beverage, which is the ancestor to tequila and mezcal.

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Here, a rabbit gives birth to a warrior. It is a metaphorical image of the rabbit-spirit who inspired bravery through pulque who gives birth to the brave eagle warrior.

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People drinking from a rabbit shaped Octocomatli, or pulque vessel. Warriors where given pulque before battle to give them bravery. Therefore pulque and rabbits are associated with warfare, bravery, sacrifice, and death.

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The moon is thought to have a rabbit on its face, and pulque is usually drunk during night time ceremonies. Therefore pulque, the moon, and the rabbits are intimately associated.

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" Un totodile en una silla acapulqueña tirando la fiaca."


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Here, two old women drink pulque. In the prehispanic era, only those over 52 could drink pulque outside of a ceremonial context, for they were considered wise, and to have earned it as a reward.

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Women were appointed the designated gatekeepers of the drink that once flowed freely in pulquerias throughout Mexico, until it fell out favor. Today, pulque is making its rightful ‘comeback’ - a testament to the resilience of a people and a culture.

(Yes, thats Frida Kahlo 👇)

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In one Mexica origin story for the drink, pulque, the great god, Quetzalcoatl fell in love with the goddess Mayahuel. Her family disapproved and in their pursuit of the couple, Mayahuel was killed

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Aquaman con bronceado acapulqueño. A Jason Mamao le quedó muy bien el papel

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Mis nuevos diseños para stickers acapulqueños.

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For the ancient Mexicans, the moon was actually a jar containing pulque, a traditional thick and white alcoholic beverage. The phases of the moon indicated how much pulque was left on the jar. (Art by David Alvarez)

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