Heinrich:...and then Kommandant said-
Jean Bart: Why are you here?

Even I don't know how Heinrich is just barging in and just casually starts talking about me!

4 12

Mikayla: You put up with me because you want to!
Heinrich: Don't flatter yourself.

3 6

Conrad Gessner’s frogs and toad. From vol. 4 of his history of animals (Zurich: Christoph Froschauer, 1558), in a special hand-coloured copy presented to by Matthew Parker, Archbishop of Canterbury, in 1574. 1/2

2 9

Rich: Verdad que te engañé

[Es bait deveras :’v]

18 166

Fight Girls
The new Queen is prepared to meet her King. Writer-Artist Frank Cho, Colorist Sabine Rich: Suspenseful, disturbing, and ultimately rewarding conclusion to Cho’s tightly-scripted and beautifully illustrated Science-Fiction Espionage-Thriller. 4.5/5

0 2

Neue Bits-Emotes bei mir (die "Preise" legt Twitch fest), mit Mina als Motiv! Sprich: Abo-Emotes Miku, Bit-Emotes Mina.
Angefertigt wurden die Emotes als Commission von

2 7

Fight Girls
The fourth and final challenge for “Queen of the Galaxy” is: Combat. Writer-Artist Frank Cho, Colorist Sabine Rich: A nearly issue-long fight scene, allowing Cho to flex his artistic strength; realistic-looking, strong women fighting for their lives. 4.5/5

0 0

Bisafans darf exklusiv eine der Karten der kommenden Fusionsangriff-Erweiterung vorstellen! Mit dieser Karte erhält euer Kartendeck einen bunten Anstrich: https://t.co/sw8H7r7Ayk

0 20

Rich: How did you get into Lettering comic books?

Nathan: Honestly, it was a "right place, right time" kind of situation. My partner and I went to a local comic-book shop here in France where Mateus Santolouco (TMNT) was signing some books.


0 0

„Nach Aufregung über Tweets aus 2015 von Sarah-Lee Heinrich:
Grüne-Jugend-Chefin zieht sich vorübergehend zurück“

23 163

Heiderich: That hairpin really suits you, Edward-san.
Edward: ...Shut up, go read your book.

8 32

Fight Girls
The remaining five contestants face the third challenge: the ocean. Writer-Artist Frank Cho, Colorist Sabine Rich: Cho utilizes his naturalist-dynamic art to convey much of the personal-drama, suspense and horror of this brutal contest. 4.5/5

0 1

Dusk: a sweet girl who puts Giratina's ominous aura to shame when she's at her limit.
Ulrich: an energetic aspiring actor whose double-sided personality reveals a cold-hearted warrior inside.
Sappho: literally just turns into a monster under stress lol https://t.co/HGph5VvqzI

1 1

La respuesta de Rich: ✨💕🌟😇💓☺️🌸💐🌈

La respuesta de Farfa: 🤪😍😋😂🥰🤣

11 157

Me: "zema buy new world and play with me"
Zema: "I dont want to spend money tho"
Rich: "You literally just bought a $50 destiny book"

0 2


Mohammed on mount Hira, 1925, Nicholas Roerich https://t.co/6xsmh1y97m

0 0

McSwagger but he's rich.

Tips on how to be rich: Just earn money. 👁️👄👁️💅

0 7

In comic shops Wednesday! Ten hard-as-nails women face off in an ancient contest of champions where the winner truly takes all: the title of "Queen of the Galaxy." Order your copy of ' FIGHT GIRLS by and Sabine Rich: https://t.co/mcwrHfL4CB

2 7