The sect grew after a big group of young people decided to commite suicide believing that the sect would ressurect them and they did or did not, it's hard to tell if the necrowizard can actually ressurect people or just give life to a dead body with robot parts and their memories

8 21

Drew 4 clash Royale troops. Actually I've drew more but i can't post more than 4 images

0 1

Scare Crowizard cause I do what I want. Enjoy the corn flake cereal I left in your socks

1 17

Dragonborn Necrowizard

DnD character commission

7 26


2 14


4 6

Secret Crush
HeroWizArts secretly loves you! 😳
Who loves you in secret?

0 3

Icon vs. Owner

Lekka improwizacja z kulką rage'u XD

0 0

The 's "Masculinities," features David Wojnarowicz's "Arthur Rimbaud in New York." of wrote:

"homoerotic images by male artists such as Peter Hujar and David Wojnarowiz are among the most tender in the show"

A selection from the series below.

2 12

Eurowizja wg TVP:
junior vs. senior

38 234



0 0


demony w moim pokoju o 3 nad ranem:

82 206


17 40

Piosenka- nie mój gust, ale chciałam narysować tak kolorową postać :p
[Song - not my type, but I wanted to draw such a colorful person :p]

0 1