3미터 밖에서 보면 그림이 괜찮아 보임. 가까이서 보면 동공 오염됨

18 118

this was from a little while ago when i pretty much drew these guys for the first time. enjoy :P

53 230

I don't really like OW2 but these 2 goddamn omnics...🥹

76 388

강아지 돌보기 봉사활동 (에 패배하다 🐕

195 829

original olympus:Chaotic
interpersonal relationships
overwatch olympus:homo and these dudes

198 995

옴닉펑크 라마젠

23 126

꿈에서 나는 나비였소
I dreamt I was a butterfly

272 1099

Quick scribble for the new year
HAPPY 2023 💖🐇🐇💖

61 232

Probably drawn a thousand times already but here's more stargazing anyway

85 326

"i don't know if we survive this"

166 764