Harlan Ellison said it most succinctly; 'I have no mouth, but I must scream.'

3 11

My feeling today was to try and lift my spirit from going back to lockdown. And this worked!

1 17

'Borealis, God of the North Wind'

2 7

'Talismanic Totems'
Angels and demons dancing in my head

Lunatics and monsters underneath my bed
Media messiahs preying on my fears

Pop culture prophets playing in my ears
[Totem - Rush]

2 8

You will be resimulated.
Persistence is futile.

3 9

Plasma Vortex Containment Field Diagram

1 12

I like attempting to picture the images novelists conjure in my mind, and create something similar in a fractal geometry mode that captures some essence of the imagined image. 'In The Sensorium of the Spirit'

2 6