Happy 1st anniversary for our cute doggo Rania Chiwawa. Thanks for being here.

Commission by (Todong Tosco)

8 43

Lagi struggle sama dedlen, muter nyari referensi, terus nemu ini. Wait... sejak kapan aku bikin beginian?

sebuah perjalanan ya, ranran.

6 26

ada hidung. eh bukan, coretan aja itu.

5 26

Done, Ranran can go out from inside the screen now. 😌 From now on We can be together without being separated by the screen. 💕

So, here, grab my hand little doggo!


3 24

Rania Padoruwawa is here to bring you love and happiness

4 30

tadi Ranran minta, kalo Ranran, Raska, sama Enji jadi cerberus. nih. saya persembahkan, CERBERUS-nya ArkNET.

4 34

, Selamat atas terbukanya membership!!! Dan selamat datang kembali!! >~<) ❤

5 29

Apa sih, yang gak buat kamu? Ututu, come here you, sweetie...

4 25

"Agent 𝘛𝘶𝘵𝘶 𝘛𝘰𝘣𝘦𝘺𝘪"

3 13

Still mode on learning the Anatomy though ~
Hope you like the art imouto,
Source Anatomy : pinterest

3 30

Another ver. of Ranran Chu~ before i convert it to sticker on discord.

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